Hi guys! Sorry that I haven't posted anything in a while, I've just had quite a busy week. School is starting soon and we were given so many project to do during our holiday and I needed to take some time to really defocus on my work. It's scary to think that when I go back I'll only have 25 days until we start our final exams.
I've been feeling very overwhelmed and stressed about going to uni next year but at the same time I'm so excited! There's so many new experiences waiting for me and that scares me and excites me. I just need to keep a cool head and not let my fears and anxieties get the better of me! I'll be studying Psychology next year and hopefully (if all goes well) I'll be moving out as well. It is quite a big step but I need it, I need to become more independent. It can be very scary but it is something we all need to do at some point. How did you feel when you first moved out? I'd love to know!
In other news I did go shopping this past weekend and get some super cute things and I'll have a post up soon showing you guys what I got and where I got it! I'm so excited to show you guys the shoes I got, they are AMAZING. I fell in love with them the second I saw them.
Bye for now! xx
Oh, and sorry about the odd post!