Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Just a little about me!

Hi! My name is Tarryn, I am 17 years old and from South Africa. I love fashion, anything beauty related & helping other people.

Something about me:
Recently I've been struggling more and more with my anxieties about my future and all the stress of my final school year. I thought this would be a really helpful way to relief some of that stress and maybe helping some of you on how to deal with having social anxiety or anxiety of any kind. I know how miserable it is not to have friends or family to talk to about these things as they don't always understand. I have a problem getting anxiety over things that seem very silly and i would feel almost embarrassed because it never seemed like anyone else worried about these thing, now I know that I'm not the only one feeling like this which it super comforting!

I hope you guys will like my blog and I'll try make it as entertaining and fun as possible! I'm super excited to be doing this, I've wanted to for a long time but was never sure where to actually start! I hope anyone who finds my blog will like it and I'd appreciate any tips you guys have on how to make my blog better ( but just remember I'm still a beginner to all of this! ). 

Bye for now :)

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