Tuesday, 26 August 2014

This is me.

In todays post I thought I should show you guys what I look like. I also just wanted to show off the gorgeous dress I wore for my matric dance ( also known as prom ). I fell in love with the beads and sequences on this dress and the colour, WOW! When I tried it on I was blown away by how perfectly it fitted me and I knew that it was the right one! This dress is a Mac Duggal once off, so I was lucky enough not to worry about someone having the same dress as me and my makeup was done by a freelance MAC makeup artist. It seriously was a night to remember!

I hope you guys like the dress, comment and tell me about your matric dance/prom dress and how the night you had!

As you can see I am blonde and have green eyes, I am quite an average height and am extremely pale. I did recently do an ombre and I have noticed that it has added some colour to my face, which I love of course! I might put up a photo of how it turned out.

(I do realise how awkward my arms and hands look in these photos but try to ignore that please)

How can you not love this colour?? And the detail in this is just amazing! The photo on the right is of my dates suit, which I must say was on point. 

I hope you guys like the dress as much as I do AND now you know what I look like. The girl behind the blog!

Bye for now :)

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